
I will be on my way to Naija. Guess what my airport reading of choice is.... Yup! It came in the post this morning. I told Myne that I most have it before I travel. I'm trying to respect myself and not start it yet but it is so hard!
I'm waiting for the day when I travel home without the normal mixture of joy and worry. Joy because you will see loved ones, worry about packing.
So ridiculous. The pressure I put myself under, do I have all my make up and toiletries? Enough shoes? 'Gifts' to give people? In fact that one is null and void. I am so broke it isn't even up for discussion. That won't stop people looking at your hand waiting for the present to magically appear LMAO!
Lord, they day I will fly home without stress. The day I will fly home without half my baggage allowance being hijacked by my Mother..... :)
The good thing about Blogger is that you can say stuff you can't say normally so here goes....THE NEXT PERSON THAT SAYS DON'T COME BACK WITHOUT A HUSBAND IS GOING TO GET SLAPPED!
Aaaaaaaah better.
I tell you, I can't wait for the sunshine! Real African sunshine that will roast you like boli! We have been deprived here oh, to the point that one of my students called me a Latino. Chai!
I also can't wait to see my family and friends and give them a big hug! Phone calls only go so far jo! I must also go to the beach and the movies so that people can clap when the movie ends hahahaha!
PS My blog is going to be three next month, any ideas on how I can mark the occassion?

1. I love books! Love them die! If I don not have a book in my handbag, I get very very cranky. Agatha Christie is my favourite of all time, but I love so many genres. If I start discussing it now, the post won't finish. From when I was a little girl, books were my daily companion for an only child. From your room you could be transported to any continent, any era, any adventure. Bliss!

2. Jaffa Cakes (for those that don't know) are miniature sponge bases with orange and dark chocolate on top. It is a dieting person's dream because it is the most nonlethal of treats and covers your chocolate craving as well. Warning: even though it is 1g of fat per cake that doesn't mean you should finish the packet!

3. I'm a Catholic and I am so very lucky to have my office on the doorstep of our main cathedral, Westminster Cathedral. It is so beautiful and an oasis of peace in the middle of crazy London. When things get too much I like to pop in for mass or to just sit and gather myself.

4. Handbags, shoes, earrings, rings, hair clips, necklaces! Name it and be sure that Caramel loves it. Let me tell you, the clothes are just the beginning. I am not dressed until I have added something else, somewhere! Some times I just like adding a flower to my hair just to perk me up! I do wander a bit too much into the Accessorize store near my office but I have started respecting myself as money no dey!

5. Zumba! The best thing that has happened to my weight loss program. For one hour straight, you dance like a mad person and watch the calories fall off. You may think that you are dancing any old way but each swivel, twist and shake is targeting a specific part of your body. If you hate exercise but love dancing and music, then give it a go. I promise you WILL NOT be disappointed.

6. Fake hair is not just a convenience for me, it is also a form of self expression and art. I have natural hair and it needs safeguarding so trust me, no one will be seeing it any time soon.

7. Period and costume dramas have some kind of hold over me. I enjoy reading classic literature to be sure, but when someone takes their time and adapts it to the screen, then I'm hooked. I get very annoyed when producers don't stick to the spirit of the story and just do whatever they want with a couple of people in bonnets and cravats! But the BBC are legends! They use only the very best and it shows in their work. For example, in Pride & Prejudice, the actresses were not allowed to use mascara as it had not been invented then!

8. I never liked online shopping but now as I don't have much time outside work, it has become my saviour. Click, click, compare prices and then pay. End of story.

9. It isn't just the drinking of tea, there is also something very soothing about going through the rituals of making tea as well. Many a problem has been hashed out over a cup of some kind of tea in my adult years. My friend got me hooked in university and now I can't get enough of the stuff. Growing up, I would make tea for my parents and take it up stairs and we would talk about what we had planned for the weekend or holidays. Definitely a tea drinking family :)

10. At university I remember going to a yoga class, just see what all the fuss was about. An hour later I was hurting and panting and realising this was some serious stuff mehn!!!! Yoga has helped my tummy go down, has built my upper body strength, and has kept me supple and limber. I'm very appreciative of that as working in an office five days a week can wreck your posture. I do Hatha Yoga and that has parts that will make your heart race so it is like cardio. One of the moves is reverse triangle which think is what those peeps are doing up there. See how you will start sweating eh! Chai! Meanwhile there will be a 60 year old woman next to you not batting an eyelid and looking like she is 35!
Thanks Lucidlilith for tagging me :) Anyone that wants to do, have a go, it's fun! Makes you remember good stuff.