2. Jaffa Cakes (for those that don't know) are miniature sponge bases with orange and dark chocolate on top. It is a dieting person's dream because it is the most nonlethal of treats and covers your chocolate craving as well. Warning: even though it is 1g of fat per cake that doesn't mean you should finish the packet!

3. I'm a Catholic and I am so very lucky to have my office on the doorstep of our main cathedral, Westminster Cathedral. It is so beautiful and an oasis of peace in the middle of crazy London. When things get too much I like to pop in for mass or to just sit and gather myself.

4. Handbags, shoes, earrings, rings, hair clips, necklaces! Name it and be sure that Caramel loves it. Let me tell you, the clothes are just the beginning. I am not dressed until I have added something else, somewhere! Some times I just like adding a flower to my hair just to perk me up! I do wander a bit too much into the Accessorize store near my office but I have started respecting myself as money no dey!

5. Zumba! The best thing that has happened to my weight loss program. For one hour straight, you dance like a mad person and watch the calories fall off. You may think that you are dancing any old way but each swivel, twist and shake is targeting a specific part of your body. If you hate exercise but love dancing and music, then give it a go. I promise you WILL NOT be disappointed.

6. Fake hair is not just a convenience for me, it is also a form of self expression and art. I have natural hair and it needs safeguarding so trust me, no one will be seeing it any time soon.

7. Period and costume dramas have some kind of hold over me. I enjoy reading classic literature to be sure, but when someone takes their time and adapts it to the screen, then I'm hooked. I get very annoyed when producers don't stick to the spirit of the story and just do whatever they want with a couple of people in bonnets and cravats! But the BBC are legends! They use only the very best and it shows in their work. For example, in Pride & Prejudice, the actresses were not allowed to use mascara as it had not been invented then!

8. I never liked online shopping but now as I don't have much time outside work, it has become my saviour. Click, click, compare prices and then pay. End of story.

9. It isn't just the drinking of tea, there is also something very soothing about going through the rituals of making tea as well. Many a problem has been hashed out over a cup of some kind of tea in my adult years. My friend got me hooked in university and now I can't get enough of the stuff. Growing up, I would make tea for my parents and take it up stairs and we would talk about what we had planned for the weekend or holidays. Definitely a tea drinking family :)

10. At university I remember going to a yoga class, just see what all the fuss was about. An hour later I was hurting and panting and realising this was some serious stuff mehn!!!! Yoga has helped my tummy go down, has built my upper body strength, and has kept me supple and limber. I'm very appreciative of that as working in an office five days a week can wreck your posture. I do Hatha Yoga and that has parts that will make your heart race so it is like cardio. One of the moves is reverse triangle which think is what those peeps are doing up there. See how you will start sweating eh! Chai! Meanwhile there will be a 60 year old woman next to you not batting an eyelid and looking like she is 35!
Thanks Lucidlilith for tagging me :) Anyone that wants to do, have a go, it's fun! Makes you remember good stuff.
love historical themed movies, novels etc very obsessed with them. started drinking tea..well green tea as i heard its good for the skin and all.....my friend calls me granny for that reason lol i guess when my skin starts to glow we'll see who the real granny is.
i need to try those jaffa cakes...........luks yummy
This is really cool..and you have made me hungry for anything chocolatey!
jaffa cakes...and yoga... now making a mental note..
i am with you on the fake hair bit...wow! i should try yoga out then!
I dint notice that they dint use mascara in pride and prejudice
i've always wanted to try yoga
and Zuma sounds like funnnnnnnnn
Jaffa cakes and tea.. of course yes.
I've never tried out yoga. maybe I should.
I thought that cathedral looked amazing as well. Too bad I didn't get a chance to go inside.
you know what...I like you.
I have been looking for you on twitter. :(
I LOVE TEA!!! OMG...TEA! ok...I wil stop.
have an amazing week darling.
I love period dramas as well!
I only like going to church for eucharistic adoration...when the church is empty, I love to just pray before the presence of God. I feel at peace.
Books? You betcha. I have to have a book on my night stand at all times. NOt having one feels unnatural.
I like your list, most especially the church, zumba, books and fake hair.
I love books, and tea!
I fear that if I stop either, I will suffer serious withdrawal symptoms!!!
@FSR, I don't like green tea but when I drink it your tummy feels better and your skin really does glow. Try Jaffa cakes, you will love it. Yum!
@ Harry, don't fight the feeling man, go for it.
@Trainboundbloke, That is the most British sounding nam eI have heard on Blogger :)
@ Doll, yes oh, no mascara and they didn't serve food that wasn't around then either. Do you know that includes sandwiches?
@Ibiluv, if you try Yoga let me know what you think.
@ Nice Anon, ohh yes! Jaffa cakes and tea. Perfect combination.
@Temite, good, cos I like you too! I hope you are not a secret mass murderer because that would be a shame LOL!
@Sirius, TEA!!! But you drink the green type (bleurgh)!
@Lucidlilith, yeah! We dey on the same page. Eucharistic adoration is a beautiful time.
@TayneMent, thank you :)
@ She, then don't stop! Stay happy :)
Nice one.
Ehen, sisteh, i need a hook-up on this Zumba matter.
I just checked their website and i keep clicking on d DVDs but i get no results, like they dont have them, and i checked YouTube and can only find like 2-3min videos.
I love the sound of yoga but i havent found any 'affordable' yoga class in this my village so i'm stuck with a regular gym or walking and i need these extra pounds to slide off sharpish!
@ Mizchif, Have you tried Amazon for the DVDs?
I love books too, but i barely have time to read novels these dayz. Agatha christie was one of my favorite books. i also love love love jackie collins. yes love love love...lol.
@BSNC, the love is always there. When you get breathing space you will go running towards your local bookstore:)
I hope you're having a blast in Naija!
That BBC version of Pride and Prejudice is the best! You must see (if you haven't already) the four part miniseries Lost in Austen. I resisted seeing it for over a year but it was quite well done.
I've tried yoga twice now and it seems like it's very low impact until you wake up the next day aching. I really want to try zumba now!
And tea is great stuff.