There is a saying related to the bible story of the angels that visited Abraham and Sarah. I can't remember the exact words but it is something like care for all your visitors as you don't know which one might be an angel.

Well, as a Naija person I think that the saying was meant to pacify us because we always have people in our house. All the time! I know it's not just me. My friend used to call my house Heathrow Airport because of all the people that passed through it. Truly nasty ones included an uncle who would leave his facial hair over every damn surface in the bathroom every morning, the female relative who was so tight she wouldn't buy sanitary towels and would instead use our kitchen/toilet roll and the cousin who downloaded porn on my computer and infected my system with nasty viruses.

So you can imagine my unrivaled joy when I got visitors that I have been waiting for over a year for. Having Freaksho and Sirius in my house was a pure joy. I would come back from work all grumpy and moody and jump into the bed where Sirius would be on the iPad looking for which store she is going to obliterate next and Freaksho would be on my computer playing one of the gizzilion games he bought.

I was worried that with five adults in the house that we would step on each others toes. Ha! My Dad complained that he didn't see them enough and my Mum fussed over what to cook Freaksho! Can you imagine? I had to pick my mouth off the floor.

I haven't told them this but the best bit was watching a young couple in action. Seeing the mini spats that would quickly blow over, watching Sirius running around in her nightie and boots (??!!) because her husband was hungry and seeing them chill at the dining table, heads together, but hands on some gadget (Lord have mercy, wires everywhere) :)

From my point of view, it was nice to have my Lagos life in London. Of course I have put on extra weight thanks to holiday chopping! It's like I've had Christmas early. I am now also an iChild and the proud owner of an iPod Touch, which means I have music AND my books at my finger tips. I don't know which one excites me more.

I think the visit was well timed though, it brought fun back into my life. I've been so serious and grey for so long. I don't know where the smiling easy going girl has gone. I think adult life is suppressing her. So I have decided to conquer all the goals and wacky things I have always wanted to do but seem to put off. I am going to have a 30 things to do before I'm 30 list. As you can see I only have twenty so your help will be much appreciated in completing the list. I will write about each thing when I do it and hopefully we will have a full tick list by September next year.

List so far .............

1) Go to each part of the British Isles (1/3 done)

2) Get my driving licence

3) Take part in and extreme sport or activity (Planned)

4) Chat up a man that I fancy

5) Get a colonic irrigation

6) Lose the last 10kg

7) Go to the Mediterranean

8) Go camping

9) Get myself on national/London radio or TV.

10) Eat at a Michelin Starred restaurant

11) Go to a live sporting event or concert of a legend. (Planned)

12) Ride a camel

13) Run 5k for charity

14) Crash a party (Done !!!)

15) Go to the races

16) Stay in bed for 20 hours in one day without being sick.

17) Wear traditional to work.

18. Go to the Caribbean

19) Go on pilgramage or retreat

20) Go to a performance of Agatha Christie's 'Mousetrap'.

21) Bake a giant Jaffa Cake (suggested by GNG)

22) Plant a tree (suggested by LusciousRon)

23) Get a bikini wax

24) Drink tequila

25) Sunbathe topless
23 Responses
  1. Aww, I'm glad you had a good visit with your pals.

    That is quite the list so far! Maybe one of your goals along with #13 could be "Raise £X for charity".

    Other suggestions:
    -Volunteer at a homeless shelter for a day or weekend or for Christmas or Thanksgiving (if you have such a holiday)
    -If you like to do something creative, you could challenge yourself to do a project related to that (for example if you like to crochet or sew you could set a goal of making a scarf or blanket)
    -Save £X in your savings account

    I had a 30 by 30 list too...but I'll be 31.5 in two weeks and the number of things I've crossed off the list is less than ten!

  2. Freaksho Says:

    She did it. She finally put up the 30 by 30 post!
    Fine, it was awesome. I am so inspired I am going to do my own version.
    Fing is.
    30 was like,so last year, dude.

  3. ~Sirius~ Says:

    Thanks for letting us invade!

    At least we got you to embrace some technology, in fact "good technology" your home computer will never be the same again....*wide grin*

    By the way, very interesting set of visitors you've had over, LoL@ the porn &
    Tissue. Eww....

    30 things before 30....I still haven't thought about what it is you should do....maybe because I'm imagining what I would want to do if I were you.

    I promise to give you one soon enough.

    Battling with the holiday weight, it's not even funny!

  4. LucidLilith Says:

    Aw Freaksho and Sirius sound so are all newly weds!! Anyway- as per your list, being over 30 and all, I wanted to see what I had done so far:

    1) Go to each part of the British Isles

    2) Get my driving licence (DONE)

    3) Take part in and extreme sport or activity (DONE)

    4) Chat up a man that I fancy (DONE)

    5) Get a colonic irrigation (Em...NO)

    6) Lose the last 10kg (DONE) and regained....arrh.

    7) Go to the Mediterranean

    8) Go camping

    9) Get myself on national/London radio or TV.

    10) Eat at a Michelin Starred restaurant (Oh Yes...please..sometime in the future)

    11) Go to a live sporting event or concert of a legend. (DONE)

    12) Ride a camel (Will horses do?)

    13) Run 5k for charity (I should do this too)

    14) Crash a party (DONE)

    15) Go to the races

    16) Stay in bed for 20 hours in one day without being sick. (DONE)

    17) Wear traditional to work.(DONE)

    18. Go to the Caribbean (from your lips to God's ears)

    19) Go on pilgramage or retreat

    20) Go to a performance of Agatha Christie's 'Mousetrap'.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Sounds like it was fun.... I need to dust my 40 things by 40 list...

  6. Nice Anon Says:

    awww they sound so cute together.

    wear trad to work? you are alone on that one o

  7. SHE Says:

    At the risk of sounding illiterate, I ask, what's a "colonial irrigation"? Maybe I should google it.

    LOL at all your past visitors. Please take Freaksho and Sirius as "antidote" for all those others.

  8. CaramelD Says:

    Hi GNG, till date you are only one who has actually added to my list! Last time, I jogged for Cancer Research and I raised over £250 so I'm hoping this time that the fact I'm running will shock my friends into givng me more :) I already help in soup kitchens so I didn't add it. After my bout with pneumonia, I wanted to help in my local hospital but the red tape was a shock! My creative outlet runs to baking so thanks for that idea, I'm going to add making a giant Jaffa Cake to my list. As for saving list will ensure that next year is the year I don't save money LOL!!!

    @Freaksho, speak for yourself oh, my own is still on the way, fresh and current ;)

    @ Sirius, yup my computer had a threesome with your husband and his playstation. As for my 'Freaksho Fat', it is moving slowly. As for those visitors......mscheeeeeewwww!

    @Lucidlilith, LOL @ number 6!

    @DannyB, where are you rushing to? You can't even see 40 in your sightline yet. Relax!

    @Nice Anon, that one isn't even a problem. I'm not looking forward to camping :(

    @SHE, have you googled it yet? Let me know what you think hahahahaha.

  9. ibiluv Says:

    heathrow airport???


    reminds me of someone

  10. Myne Says:

    I'm sure you guys had loads of fun! :). As for the 20 by 30, I like GNG's suggestions. You can learn a new skill or talent too. Wearing trad to work should be no biggie right? Unless you wan tie gele join? LOL..

  11. Aee Bonrue Says:

    Lmao @ heathrow. My house was MMA at some point too lol it wasn't funny at all!

    About the list...
    #21 Foster a child.
    #22 Learn to play a musical insttrument (if u havent already done that)
    #23 Become something of an authority on the kama Sutra(:P i know that's on my list lol)

    I should create a 30 by 30 list too o...

  12. Yinkuslolo Says:

    rofl @ heathrow haha

    -- I will add. Live without elctricity or any powered device or machine for 48 hours.

  13. Unknown Says:

    I enjoyed reading..
    I think you should start with the ones you've written and then take it from there..
    Love your way of writing...

  14. Zayzee Says:

    how about sleeping on the streets for one night. lol. sound stupid. dont even try it.

    seduce a friend's guy but dont go the extra mile

  15. CaramelD Says:

    @Ibiluv, yes oh Heathrow airport and now that we have moved house it will soon start again.

    @Myne, I'm counting the driving as my new skill :) Trad to work in my office is going to be a big deal trust me!!! I'm going to wait till most of them are on leave hahahaha

    @Aeedeeaee, Thanks for your suggestions ! Errrm couldn't foster a child in my position so that is out, I can play the violin and the viola (even though it has been a while) and as for that karma sutra that is def on my to do list but it needs the love of my life for that so I will wait hehehehehehe.

    @LusciousRon, yup good one!

    @Yinkusolo, ewo old school! I went to boarding school in Owerri and lived in my village for months at a time, been there and got the t-shirt :)

    @2cute4u, thank you very much. I kno what you mean the list is quite long and I'm starting to wonder oh.......

    Uzezi, Uzezi, Uzezi! How many times did I call your name? Do you want me to die before I reach the thirty nwanu?

  16. mizchif Says:

    Awwwwwww @ Sirius and Freaksho.

    Interesting list.
    Side eye at you for not having a licence tho.

    Oh and i think the winter time is perfect for a carribean vacay and if you decide to make it anytime within the next 3months, i could even be your hostess :)

    Merry CHristmas lady

  17. Buy a ridiculously expensive pair of shoes! Or whatever. Spend a ridiculous amount of money on one thing you really love. You should definitely add that :)

  18. incoherent Says:

    u dont have ur driving license yet?? i have THREE!! when ure doing the Caribbean, holler at me. you can stay at mine. n we should see Mousetrap together. n i'm doing the chatting up a guy i fancy TODAY dammit!!

  19. ~Sirius~ Says:

    Is Boot camp on your list?!


  20. CaramelD Says:

    @Mizchif, I know the whole licence thing is bad but I'm working on it :( what's this about the caribbean vacation?

  21. CaramelD Says:

    @ Suzzy B, the whole list is one big splurge. I'm going to be broke but happy.

    @Incocopops, did you chat up the guy? Update oh!

    @Sirius, do you mean exercise boot camp?

  22. Vera Ezimora Says:

    21. Meet Vera Ezimora [Suggested by Caramel through Vera Ezimora]