I know this might not last long but I shall ride out the good vibrations until something (probably from work) comes and messes it up! I always bitching here about one thing or the other so how lovely just just write that I feel fabulous! It doesn't even feel like a Monday! It feels like a Wednesday afternoon (when hope starts creeping in that you just might survive till the weekend)!
It might be that this weekend I got a chance to sleep. Like really just rest and sit still. I was meant to babysit for my cousin so she could go out with her husband but she fell ill so I was no longer needed. I also got a visit from my Cuddle Buddy (copyright pending) that was oh so lovely, in fact purrrrrrfect ;) When he left I watched back to back Agatha Christie's Poirot while my body recovered. I love David Suchet (below pic). He is the ultimate Poirot. No one can touch that role ever again.....I forbid it!

Then Sunday was cooking belated birthday lunch for the Maternal Unit. I had to banish her from the kitchen. Na wa oh! You are cooking for someone and they are hovering around the kitchen door asking "do you need a hand?" LOL!
Anyway did I mention I feel great? hahahahaha. Also I got an interview into the Evening Standard! This is big for me! Huge! To have a major London daily run an interview with one of our students was amazing!!! Hopefully he will remember how quick I was and oh so helpful and call us again anytime he needs something about colleges or further education.
Problems haven't vanished into thin air, just that right now, right here I feel fabulous and I hope you all do too.
Oh before I forget, I hope all you Valentines people had a lovely weekend?
Oh I can't write this anywhere else but my bra is killing me! Where did I get this instrument of torture from? Ouchhhhhhhh. I keep wanting to shift and adjust but I'm in an open plan office LOL
It hasn't dented my happiness though (just turning my skin red). OK my fabulousness is slightly dented as one of the students who works for me has a serious criminal conviction and we might have to let her go and it is so not fair because she is a hard worker and always on time!
Feeling your vibe girl.
Feeling it from deep inside.
In fact, reading your post just made me lighter and happier.
You go girl.
But please, Biko, remove that word verification!
LOL@ your comments. Criminal conviction? That sucks!!
hang on to that feeling of greatness. U have a cuddle buddy? Interesting!
The cuddle buddy sounds interesting, so that was how you spent Val's day? LOL. Have a great week and keep feeling good dear.
Someone had a great time! I know the bra feeling too! I had to slip mine off at the cinema yesterday! Thank God for bulky sweaters that hid the you what. Let the vibe last all through the week!
congrats! what a big coup! It is hard getting press time these days....
Haha, hope the feeling lasts jare.
Cuddle buddy...not to be confused with 'fuck buddy' OR 'FWB'...or are they one and the same?? lol
Hmmmm..... ur body had to recover after ur cuddle buddy left? Wetin una do? You sure it was just cuddling?
Hmmm, dat cuddle buddy better be doing a good job at it o! And do u wanna enlighten us about the homie sometime?
You have a very nice blog!
Happy that ur in a good mood!!!....hope it lasts thru the wk...
Someone's in a good mood...
This post made me smile!
You may just slip into the bathroom and fling the troublesome bra out of the window... LOL
@Sirius, I am being spammed big time! That is why it is there. I could remove it and then add no Anon comments....which was better?
@Nice Anon, I tell you this is the only place where I can let all the crazy out :)
@Myne, it was technically on a Saturday soooo it doesn't count as Val's LOL! How are you?
@LusciousRon, hmmmmm you are on your own oh!! I can't slip it off in public. I wish I could though, blasted things!
@LucidLilith, I know! Thank you. I didn't believe till I saw it with my own eyes because they promise they will use your material and still it doesn't make print. So happy.
@Repressed One, Cuddle Buddy is nicer than F*£k buddy and more factual as there was no f*£king going on :)
@ Sting, well...erm.....[cough] it started with cuddling!
@ Sugarking, he is doing great job but I can't enlighten too much as he reads my blog from time to time.
@ Blowing Blessings, thank you I hope so too. PS I love your profile picture, absolutely fabulous.
@Blogorrati, yes I am and I hope you are too.
@SHE, Hey girlie!!! Waddup? If I take off my bra my boobs will take my eye out when I bend down or something! You will be glad to know that the offending bra has been relegated to the back of the underwear drawer.
lol @cuddle buddy. Sounds like smooches,kisses,wetness etc. I bet u sure had fun.
lol sounds like you had a good time. Valentines day for me was just blah but like you said who knows about next year.
You sure do sound happy. Could feel ity from all the way!!!
Nne, this your Cuddle Buddy, you fit share am??? A girl gets lonely sometimes.
At least your mom is hovering because she wants to help. Me, they just hover to know what I'm doing. How much salt are you putting? What about pepper? Have you put crayfish? What about palm oil? I wish they'd just go ahead and cook it themselves, abi?
Ehen... back to that your buddy thing. Let me know oo! Adi'm very interested.
@ Fragilelooks, I actually blushed when Iread your comment (I'm such a dork).
@Suru, my opinion is, until you have someone to celebrate it with then it is just another day on the calendar.
@Enkay, yipeee ;)
@Vera, in which lifetime did I wrong you? In which former life did I betray or hurt you? Why would you want to bring trouble to my blog? Why are you enquiring after my Cuddle Buddy? Do you want Mr Shoes to kill me? Chineke!!! Please you know where to go to when you want a cuddle!
lol@ at the bra episode/your first comment
good to hear u're feeling great...good luck with the interview...it is a big deal! i'm sure u knock em dead
hahaha, Suchet is the ultimate Poirot. I love him! And yes, mom's never know how to rest. My mom was the same way the last time when we were cooking for her bday. I told her she was being naughty and that helped. =)
And, look at you commenting on your own post before anyone else. So na bra wey dey do you? lol! SOrry you burned yourself though.
"Problems haven't vanished into thin air, just that right now, right here I feel fabulous". that's the spirit! keep feeling fabulous!