Trying to remember nice things so that I can cheer up. I went to see Wicked with my cousins. That was so beautiful. What a smart story, taking an old tale like the Wizard of Oz and turning it on its head. It is freezing here. I'm so over winter, it should finish so I can feel my finger tips when I walk and sleep naked again.

So already in a pissy mood, then my Mum called, the cupboard in my friend's flat fell on her!!! We have always said there were too many boxes full of all sorts stacked in the kitchen but when it is not your place you don't go around re-arranging stuff. That's how the cupboard came off the wall and boxes fell on her. She actually stayed and used her hand to wedge the doors so the glasses wouldn't break. Poor woman, she said she is OK. It is her birthday on Friday,what a prelude.
So went to look for a birthday present for my Mum as I'm mad busy tomorrow. Whooooo! Who told me to enter a card shop a few days before Valentine's Day? It was heaving with harassed looking individuals (of both sexes), I had to inch along slowly to get to the much reduced birthday section. The icing on the cake was the news camera crew. It must be a slow news week to be filming a segment on Valentines Day shopping habits!
So so so so so restless! I have been like this for a few days now and let me say it is as irritating as hell. I don't know what my problem is. Even the fast pace of work is not helping....and no, it's not PMS! I can't be bothered !!! Not a good attitude to have when trying to plan your friend's hen night. Weddings, I'm your woman, but hen nights, I'm stumped! Also you have to make sure the places and activities are affordable. Why can't people just do a one night thing and go home? These days it's a weekend activity! Any ideas?
OK shooting off Blogger now. I have to leave in half an hour to make my driving lesson, I have to sort out stuff for our Open Day tomorrow and I've lost a journalist. Well I didn't lose him per say but he is no longer picking up the phone and I want him to use our student for his newspaper article.
Aww, your poor mommy! I hope she's fine. Happy Birthday to her!
Sounds like a busy day. My status on gmail is Restless too...not sure if it's the weather or what that is causing it.
Hen night ideas? I'm so over the club thing...I like the idea of doing something lowkey, at home or out, like having a spa evening (DIY so it's less $$?) or something. I ain't exciting.
Oh, hope the evening ends on a good not!
Its funny how I read all this and the only part I can't seem to get out of my head is "I'm so over winter, it should finish so I can feel my finger tips when I walk and sleep naked again". Yeah, that "SLEEP NAKED" bit. **Note to self = Nigga You seriously need to re-consider your life u hear?!!**
This Sugarking sef, lol.
Hen night ideas, can you get a package deal from a Holiday inn sort of place, include spa, nightclub and conclude with sleepover?
Happy birthday in advance to your mum and hope the cupboard didn't do too much damage.
take it easy o... hug your mama on our behalf....it will soothe the pain from the box!
Happy Birthday in advance to your Ma. Hope you feel much better now and over the restlessness. I hate the winter too :( Snowed all day today and I slipped on the ice! Still pissed.
awwwww! Poor Mama Caramelicious sexiness! pele! You are so busy sha...
How far with the housing tho?
hen nights: what is that??
I was feeling out of it until I saw Temite's comment. Thank God I'm not the only one who doesn't know what hen nights are. What are those? I think I need me a new set of friends, one that will know what the heck hen nights are!
Hope your mommy is doing okay. That cupboard has no respect. Does it know who you are???
I'm not restless. I'm just feeling like the days are going by too fast and I'm not accomplishing anything.
Oh, and how come, I, too, noticed the walk sleep naked bit? Well, it's not the sleeping part that got my attention. It's the walking part. Does that mean you walk naked? lol
Ehm.... the news crews ... they need to get a life.
Nice Anon:Eyaaa. Sorry to your ma. Must of hurt a lot. lol@ Vera and Temite. Hen nite na when a bunch of women get together to run after a bunch of hens. He heeeeeee
Ha haaaaaaaa No mind me jare
A soon to be bride get together with her friends before she gets hitched.
I hope your mom's really fine! Tell her your friends said sorry.
Hen night's like the bachelor's eve (night) only this time it is for the bride and her female friends.
I have put up a picture of the devilish cupboard. It is currently resting on the boiler on the left and some boxes. Fear didn't allow me even reach for a plate underneath!
Oh boy. Sounds like you had a nice day.
LOL @ Sugarking!
Word Verification!!!!
Since when???? Sucks :-(
So your ma and my sis are bday mates? 12th feb?
Sorry can't even begin to describe how i feel for you guys.
Hold on missy, all this will soon be over.
Awwww your mum is funny rearranging the cupboard and all that. Thank Gd she didn't get hurt.
Heeeyah! I hope your mom is not too traumatized. Did you get on tv by any chance?
Oh that looks interesting. I haven't heard about it. Was it a Play or a Movie at the theatres?
@ GNG DIY spa evenings sound lovely, you are as exciting as I am :)
@Sugarking, I honestly don't have any reply to that comment. Just to let you know reading it made me laugh out loud in the office and everyone thought I was nuts.
@Myne, the package deals I'm seeing are expensive oh! My Mum escaped with only one cut from the demon cupboard.
@DannyB, I have hugged her as requested thanks! How are you by the way? Haven't heard from you in a bit.
@LusciousRon, Ndo about slipping on the ice. That can hurt like hell. We shall dream of sunshine till it comes.
@ Temite, Hmmm the housing thing is a whole other post on its own! That topic needs prayerssss!
@Vera, I don't walk naked oh! When that one happens you can put me in the looney bin :) Sometimes I do housework in my underwear, does that count?
@Nice Anon, waddup?
@Enkay, thank you! She is cool :)
@SHE, as if!
@Sirius, Sorry about the word verification but I was getting seriously spamed. It was getting on my last nerves. When the idiots forget my site then I will take it off. Happy Birthday to your sister.
@Jaycee, we were thanking God seriously oh!>
@Lucidlilith, I'm not sure if I got on TV, never know which station is doing what these days :)
@Anyaposh, it is a theatre production and it is so breath taking. Very smart story like I said and if youenjoyed the Wizard of Oz, you will enjoy Wicked.
Happy Birthday Mama CaramelD ;)