I'm putting baby pictures of I and my brother in my Mum's Mother's Day card and I thought I'll put these up again .
I thought we could do with a little smile after my mini meltdown yesterday. Thank you for all your understanding and e-hugs xxx
If you can find the post where these pics first made their debut you win a prize (Sirius you can't enter!!)
PS Happy Mother's Day this Sunday.

I thought we could do with a little smile after my mini meltdown yesterday. Thank you for all your understanding and e-hugs xxx
If you can find the post where these pics first made their debut you win a prize (Sirius you can't enter!!)
PS Happy Mother's Day this Sunday.

U were a cute baby. Loved the picture u were yawning.
The baby pics are cute...
Awww so cute.
See contemplative look in the second picture.
Na from babyhood some people don serious...
you were so cute!
I HATE U!!!!!
u stole my idea!!!!
now i can't put MY baby pics up!
Yes, you had better hair days.
Looooooovely!!!!! Luv that last pic most. Is that your mum in the 1st one? She looks like a nurse.
That's a very mischievious look with that last pic there o!
awww such a cute baby. lol wait whatz up with the hair now?
Ha ha ha!!!Priceless,that intelligent looking frown!!
lol... not bad.. for baby pictures I'd say..
you have always been cute sha!
Omigosh, you were such a cutie!! oh my, I would eat your cheeks in a heartbeat.
Awwww!!! You were sooooo adowable!
too cute
awwwwwww!!!! absolute cuteness!
Someone's adorable!!! Your mom is stunning too...Happy Mother's Day to her!! xo
You look so cute and chubby/sweet. At the same time there's that look in your eyes, mischievous I think, lol. I hope your week is going better than the last? Take care.
You were such a cute baby! And you mum is beautiful!
I cant stop awwing and I hope mom awwss too!!
lol@ your pucker lips.
Hi guys, you know that most babies are cute right ;) Don't mind me I have God and my parents to thank for that. As for my hair, it's not so full as it was way back then. I envy baby me.
Yup that's my gorgeous Maternal Unit in her nurses uniform. I LOVED her uniform, now they all wear boring blue scrubs :(
Have a blessed weekend everyonex
Awwwwwwww you are almost as cute as I was...
Sirius please do...
Your so pretty now I can imagine what u looked like as a baby..better not dissapoint oh..
awww! look at the yawn. nice pictures
Feeling the baby 'fro :)
Update time never reach?