Just in case you all don't know what I'm talking about, two of our very own got married quite recently and Blogsville has been full of puns like:
Siriusly Freaky
Freakishly Sirius ( my favourite).

Freaksho married ~Sirius~ and it was beautiful.

Now every good story needs to start at the beginning but ermm quite frankly they might kill me. So I will skip a few details (but shah check on me in a week's time to make sure I'm still breathing). So Sirius came into my life when I was 14(ish) and I was later blessed to be able to have her as my landlady while I served in NYSC. That was when she met her future hubby (ohhhh hehehehe).

Now let's get this straight, the girl is one of the most beautiful people you could ever meet both inside and out, so of course there were some young gentlemen hanging around but my money has always been on Freaksho and see I backed the winner :) When the time was right and he proposed and she said yes, there was plenty of screaming and clapping (and that was just me) and so I settled down for some serious wedding planning.

That's when the emails and IM's started.

S: Caramel, I don't want a bridal train or anything like that.
C: Yup that's cool, nice and simple.

S: Caramel, I think we might be getting married in the middle of the week.
C: Huh?

S: Caramel I want a small wedding, 100 people max.
C: Are you crazy? In Lagos? Never!

But here is the topic that actually raised my BP and it wasn't even from the bride....

F: I'm not wearing a tie and I'm not wearing any flowers in my button hole. (Something something about it not being manly, I can't recall because at this point I was feeling faint)
C: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? What do you mean no tie? You're the groom!!!!

Now, anyone that reads this blog regularly knows that in the past two years I have been in a wedding/bridesmaid explosion and I have suffered for it. You can get a bit fed up with the pomp and circumstance of it all but come on! I had to protest!

Yet these two were serious and this is why they suit! Sirius is so laid back she is nearly horizontal. She doesn't let things agitate her normally and she definitely avoids drama. Freaksho is such a geek, he is weird to the point of cool. These two do not do convention. In fact as I'm typing this I wonder why I was actually surprised.

So they planned and they stuck to their guns which is no easy feat when your parentals are on your case and EVERYONE has an opinion. I flew home to see two people I care about get hitched, as long as it wasn't on a rope bridge over a snake pit I was ready for the ride.

And it was beautiful.

Apart from the beginning where Freaksho looked stressed because we were only 9 minutes late (Dude, most brides average being an hour late), there wasn't a frowning face the whole day. Everyone knew someone, no one was lost in a crowd, and all eyes were on the couple who spent the whole day grinning.

I didn't miss the high table, I didn't miss the hall decorations, band, DJ, MC and over inflated ego boosting that happens at Naija weddings. Instead we had a room full of people overlooking a peaceful view of Lagos, with kick ass food, who were free to walk around and chat and kiss the bride and shake the groom's hand.

They actually pulled it off! In Lagos!

Freaksho did wear the red rose flower buttonhole though, thank God ;)

A note about meeting fellow Bloggers.

They never look like what you think they will.
Incoherent is a sparkling fizzing ball of energy with big brown Bambi eyes and eloquent hands.
Muse looks like what I think Igbo warriors of old would like back in the day. All brawn and such. I thought men who write such great poetry would be tortured souls that exist on air and coffee!
Rita does not look like her picture! I'm sorry Rita it is true. Take the picture down. You are getting younger not older (who did you bribe up there for such good fortune with your face??)
Finally I think I scared Laide (XSN) because I swooped on her like a crazed fan and forgot she hadn't actually met me before. Sorry Laide!

To Freaksho and ~Sirius~, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I know great things are going to come from your union. I feel it and I know it and I can't wait to see it.

Love always x


Update y'all!

I have been granted permission to clear up small confusion that came via my inbox ; (holla!!).

Freaksho and ~Sirius~ didn't meet on Blogger. Oya lemme gist you small.
While she was waiting for her call up letter for NYSC, Sirius was working at a very sexy magazine and Freaksho was at an advertising firm (oh full of fine dangerous men LMAO). See eh when I leave for work to go to my asset management office and Sirius leaves to go to her magazine, what we are wearing is completely different. I would mostly be conservative and classy. Sirius would be classy and sizzling hot!!!!! She put the 'P' in pencil skirt!

So I don't know what she did to Freaksho when she walked into his office to collect artwork for his company's ad in her magazine but I can hazard a guess! LMAO!!!!!!! For real though the guy had to work hard. Sirius doesn't send.

Case in point. Their first 'date'. I think that Freaksho had asked for a double date movie thing so that there would be no pressure. So far so good right? Well my girl brought me and another friend and we arrived about 50 minutes late. We missed the original movie and got stuck with Rush Hour 8 or something and Freaksho hated the movie choice (he still won't forgive me for picking it). So instead of a cosy foursome, it was five people watching a 'bad' movie, then Sirius makes sure that she wasn't even near him and spent the whole movie texting on her phone! Chai!

Well he hung in there............ isn't life grand?
29 Responses
  1. BSNC Says:

    awwww it sounds like a beautiful wedding. I want to get married too. Congrats to the wonderful couple again.

  2. CaramelD Says:

    BSNC, how far babe? My stupid cough is keeping me awake pls tell me to go and sleep. It was a beautiful wedding. When you do your own it will be too ;)

    PS I called your name in my last post. I wish you could do a crash course on nursing care for adults. Looked after my Grandma for a week and nearly did my back in!

  3. Nice Anon Says:

    awwww how lovely is that? very unconventional really. At the end of the day it is really about what the ppl getting married wants.


  4. BSNC Says:

    Please, please and please go to

    hahah the one i am doing is killing me softly here. Eya poor you, pele. I like adults and babies, not sure where i ll focus yet. Sorry about your back oh. Hope its getting better now.

  5. Myne Says:

    Awwww...this story is so sweet.I really wish them all the best of marriage.

  6. Nutty J. Says:

    I wish them the best

  7. Rita Says:

    This post only leaves me hungry for more gist on how they became. Maybe I will ask S myself.

    I really liked the wedding concept and if I am to advise anyone, I would say wed that way...

    CaramelD, i take it as a compliment that I look younger than that pix. That pix was taken 3n1/2 yrs ago :-)

    It was a great pleasure meeting beautiful you...

  8. LMAO @Sirius is so laid back she is nearly horizontal.

  9. Evee Says:

    Congratulations to the couple.

  10. CaramelD Says:

    @ Nice Anon, word up!

    @BSNC, abeg please pass on some of your knowledge!

    @Myne, you are such a soppy romantic LOL!

    @Nutty J, yes oh! It's not easy.

    @Rita, yup. If you want more information go to the source, because they know where I live :) PS I am going to start a campaign called "We want a new picture of Rita."

    @Doll, Yup she is as easy as Sunday morning!

  11. leggy Says:

    awwwww...this is so sweet.all i really want from a wedding is the food.

  12. downtheaisle Says:

    lol @ Muse looks like what I think Igbo warriors of old would like back in the day
    ***how in d world did you jst come up with that****

    i enjoyed reading this post.

  13. shorty Says:

    Awww it sounds lovely. Congratulations to the couple.

  14. Molara Brown Says:

    lol @Sirius is so laid back she is nearly horizontal.wish them all the best.hate it when everyone wants a say in a wedding, a cousin is going thru that, she and the groom just want it their way but with famiy that is so not going to happen

  15. CaramelD Says:

    @ Leggy, the food was yummyliscious! I had to give it up for hotel cooking. They did well.

    @Downtheaisle, you know what I mean now! Strong and such :) Thank you, I enjoyed writing it.

    @Shorty, it was :)

    @Lara, Families take weddings very seriously! It can turn quite militant!

  16. Fabulo-la Says:


    Like Rita, me too im hungry for the full gist jo.

  17. leggy Says:

    just read the update and i just DIED!!

  18. LucidLilith Says:

    am still a tad miffed that you guys too a picture of your BACKS!!!!!!

  19. Miss Natural Says:

    hilarious! congrats to the newlyweds! they are happy and that's just grand!

  20. Anonymous Says:

    information reaching my office was that there was a picture of backsides once upon a time -- has it been removed? chei...

    anyways - congrats to the peeps.. I shall be shining my eyes at work henceforth too :)

  21. mizchif Says:

    This is such an awwwwwwwwy type story.
    I'm not one of the people that was surprised that they were dating oh, i'd already figured that part out since and i was waiting for the wedding, i was just shocked at the underG nature of it.

    Good shocked oh, like shock and awe.Congrats for being able to pull that off in LAGOS, NIGERIA.

    Oh and the wedding was at my church, which means i probably might know the couple even.....hmmmmm

  22. i want the food too....or at least the cake..

    am sure they pacified the parents with the traditional wedding or is it engagement

  23. CaramelD Says:

    @Fab, you are on your own oh :)

    @Leggy, you are too funny! You just made me laugh!

    @Lucidlilith, if it is any consolation, the wedding photographer thought we had a few screws loose.

    @Miss Natural, I knowww just lovely!

    @DannyB, not backsides! Backs!!! LMAO!!!!! You can find it at Freaksho's blog, the link is at the beginning of my story. You are nuts :)

    @Mizchif, yup they were more coded than an episode of 24.

    @Doll, I cursed my dress eh! Wouldn't allow me do justice to the food!!!

  24. SHE Says:

    LOL @ Muse looking like an Igbo warrior!

    But truly, this is a beautiful story.

    My version is that they met on blogger, and remained anonymous till almost the last minute, and I'm sticking to it!

  25. CaramelD Says:

    @SHE, OK....if that will you sleep better! LMAO!! Actually I would love to know about people who hooked up through Blogger. I mean real relationships not sex hook ups!

  26. CaramelD Says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Muse Says:

    STOP IT're going to make a grown man cry!

    You paint a very beautiful picture!

  28. CaramelD Says:

    @Muse, don't cry oh. Here take a hankie ;)You are just a big sappy romantic, confess!!