It's a miracle!

I'm writing a post. Quick no one breathe before something happens and I'm forced to step away from my computer. (PS Yes I know this is not what I promised but it's a bank holiday and I'm dropping two posts today!! Yes boss!!!)

I keep stopping to dance, right now it's Naeto C's 10/10. Love that song and he isn't bad on the eyes ;)

OK, back to the story. Well this wonderful weekend didn't start well. Friday morning had my monthly mortal enemy arrive with a vengeance and unlike recent months, my normal double dose of ibuprofen just wasn't cutting it. I also had enrolment where we leave our normal offices and help out fee assessing our new students and I'm there trying to fill out paperwork in front of new students and looking like I'm dying slowly. In the end my colleague had to put me in a taxi because it was raining terribly and I couldn't handle London Underground if my life depended on it.

I was spending the weekend with my cousins. We were having a hen weekend for the oldest sister and she lived in America so I don't get to see her often. I think listening to the funny story of how she met her hubby to be and the hot water bottle they got for me helped me ease up on the nausea and general feeling of wretchedness.

Friday night = dinner at a very poshhhh restaurant in Camden in the VIP section (chai I love sampling the good life) with flawless food from dim sum to a Thai chicken curry that would make the chicken proud to have ended up in such a product in its afterlife. We then went dancing upstairs where the bride to be, complete in her sash and tiara convinced people that she was getting married the very next day and she got lots of hugs from strangers and even got the DJ to change his set list LMAO!!!

We left in the early hours and I'm glad I got to dance it off but I really still had that hippo feeling, like a bloated cow but what I loved was the stories and laughter floating over my head and every given moment. Saturday morning saw us waking up slowly (read recovering) while the youngest started cooking for later that evening, we got ready and in the afternoon we all trooped to a very swanky hotel for afternoon tea, done the very English way. That includes, pots of tea of your choice, sandwiches (very cute and dinky), a waistline blasting selection of cakes and then...fresh baked scones with Cornish clotted cream and jam. Chai!! I should use this opportunity to report myself. I didn't know it was all a big surprise for the bride and I let it slip beforehand asking in my loud Caramel voice "the hotel where we are going for afternoon tea is it POSH??!! What's the dress code???" You can rest assured I got sent to the naughty corner.

Dancing time. Right now it's M.I and Flavour's Number 1. I love this song!!!!!!

OK, back to the story. Highlight of tea time, was having everyone go around the table saying three things about themselves that we don't know, and us trying to crash a Nigerian wedding that was going on in one of the ballrooms. My goodness I think there were four weddings going on. I spotted two Nigerian ones, one English and a small Indian wedding. On our way out, we walked into Man City players getting off their coach and I swear a few players looked a bit put out that we just walked past them, something like how can a group of young women pass us like that?! Hahahaha. I thought I was the only one who noticed but others picked up on it! Abeg guys! chill jo, it's not like that. You are still human. Man City for that matter! Mscheeewwww.

When we got to back to the flat, party games started!!! Who would think that rolls of toilet tissue, sellotape, ten minutes on the clock and a wedding dress challenge could bring out Project Runway type behaviour from all of us hehehehe! We also had a likes/dislikes quiz (to my future children, your aunties have weird taste in men), and a game of charades that still baffle my powers of description!!

The night ended with a heady mix of very potent cocktails mixed by the maid of honour, serious dancing and gifts which included edible undergarments (ahem)! Shout out to the bride's sisters for serious organising flair. We all had a fabulous time!

Other awwww/happy moments from the weekend
  • The maid of honour is in the middle of a very possible romance. No one knows the future but it was good for this cynic to meet a guy who knows what and who he wants and is willing to put actions to his words. (AWWWW).
  • I haven't mentioned it here but my Dad has been having beef with his two sisters who unwisely dealt with their guilt of not being there for their Mum before she died by carrying on with a whole load of stupidity that I wouldn't expect from people older than me, but I'm happy to report that with the help of a priest, they have a truce and I pray my Grandma's funeral goes off without any drama.
  • BEST NEWS OF ALL!!! I HAVE A NEW GODSON!!! Delivered safely yesterday evening!! I really hope my family don't read my blog because never have I been so excited about a new baby in my life!!! Talk about favouritism!! I can't wait to meet him!!! Countdown for two months till I meet him starts now. Oh my goodness he will get his own memory card because I will not be able to stop taking pictures :) Mum and baby are doing fine. I'm just waiting for his Dad to give us a name. Could this be our first Blogger Baby?
  • PS Read all about my new Godson here :) Part 2 is here:

6 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'm still recovering, it might take more than one night's sleep to get rid of the vodka shots effects :). Really glad you were a part of it all!

  2. Myne Says:

    Chai, this is sweetness overload! The hen night and all that followed sounds like joy, plus the maid of honor's romance, hope it works out for them. And the baby, now my gbegborun antenna is up! LOL...

  3. mizchif Says:

    Aunty Caramel.
    I'm excited too. Even if i'm not an official godmother i shall still famz!

  4. kitkat Says:

    congrats on your godson! damn i know how painful menstrual cramps can be :(
    seems like u've been having a blast, i'm jealous!

  5. Otiti Says:

    Looks like someone's been living it up big time! ;) Congratulations again on the safe arrival of your godson, goodness knows I was screaming my head off and they don't even know me LOL.

  6. LucidLilith Says:

    Congrats to you and Sirius and Freaksho! Men, child birth scares me. I would ask for an epidural. Period.