Next year I'm going to run it, I have proven to myself that I can move my ass off my couch, so I now I want to do more ;)
The wedding happened oh!!! Now I can allow Blogsville rest!!! LOL!!!! It went well oh! Thank God! See the outfit, hope I represented you all well ;) Also I didn't go with the make up/hair people and I swear you wouldn't know the difference (whoop whoop)! The bride looked beyond radiant and she put her own spin on things and looked unique.
Scariest moment = The cleaning staff in the hotel where we slept taking all our flowers, because they thought it was rubbish!!! Blood of Jesus! I nearly fainted! We followed one person to their office to see who they can call and there was two of our bouquets in individual vases of water!!! Heyyyyyyyyy!! I was furious! The look I gave the guy, he didn't know when he went running to look for the other four bunches. I thank God for that miracle, can you imagine if anything had happened?
I have to praise my fellow bridesmaids oh! We were running around on chores and still looked radiant , even though I forgot my slippers in the hotel and ended up hobbling in pain :) Highlights of the day has to be the Micheal Jackson dance off during the reception! Fabulous!
It's my second year of being on Blogger and I feel like the shine has worn off in Blogsville. Some of my idols have vanished and I can't feel the heat. I'm still here shah, this is where I come to think. The Diary of a Lost One is very precious to me and I thank God that I have had it these past two years. Thanks to all who drop by and listen to my yapping (yessssss I know I talk too much)!!
PS How do you get a guy out of your head?
Fuzzy Wuzzums looking very pretty in PINK!
Now we can rest, seeing that the wedding is finally over. And as for those hotel people, *hiss......God saved them they found the flowers.
Getting a guy out of your head, easiest way is to getanother one in, he he he he.
I hate typing comments from my BB, very hard to get them error free.
Happy Blogsville Anniversary!
So they were basically tryna nick your flowers???
The dress looks nice..
Good to know the strict diet you went on was worth it..
OMG!!!!! Roc has reminded me oh, I need to post diet results!!!!
Thank you Sirus!!!!
Oh lovey, You look beaaauuuuttiiiffffuuuuulllly gggoooorrrgeeeous sexxxxxxxy foinnnnnnne hottttt pretty amazing. Ok as you can see, I think you looked very good. lol. And me is proud of you for jogging and power walking. I shold do something like that.
Like sirius said, the best thing to do is to get another one in ASAP. hehehehe....Much love.
NIce pink dress..me luv..me like!!!!
YAY for diets!!!
Congratulations dear.
And i must say u do look F.A.B in the dress.
Hard work does pay off.
As for getting a guy out of ur head....please let me know how u do it, if u eventually manage to!
I agree. Pretty in Pink!
"Diary of a lost one" is precious to others too.
To get a guy out, get something else in. Something really interesting, like...(I'll let you know when I think it up)
I am so lovin ur outfit.....
Yay 4 losin d weight!!!
wow...you look great babes...simply beautiful..I am sure you beat the bride hands down...
I second Sirius...u need another guy to get the first out of ur mind...hope u r good...
Well put together I can see.
You just stop thinking about them I suppose?
u paid 130quid for that dress???? Jesus is Lord!!
@ Temite, have you found your usb yet?
@Sassy Trends, thank you!!
@Mizchif, I don't think I even WANT to get him out of my head!!
@She, Awwww I'll get all sappy now! Thank you for your lovely words.
@My World, na God oh!!!
@Afrobabe, how can I be good when you have gone underground? Eh? Eh?
@Nice Anon, I have been reading your blog from the beginning (I'm visiting all the blogs I have never read from the beginning) you are too funny and too sharp!!
@Anon, that is the way the cookie crumbled oh!
The dress is Lovely!
Yes indeed you represented blogville well, well!
Ha! Vanishing flowers? Those cleaners no try at all and worse still is the person that put them in vases of water. Rubbish indeed!
As for getting a guy out of your head, I guess you just wait it out. It's one of the hardest things I ever had to do but after enough time passed, I could finally put him behind me.
Happy 2nd Blogverssary!!
nice dress...so the wedding has come and gone now
LOL @ bouquet. Scandal!!!
Biko, how did you do the diet? Share, share, share!!!
D dress is tres cute ... and happy Blogversary
Answer to ur question: To get a guy out of your mind, put another guy in there.
you look so cute, so cute that i cant even hate on u for being a bm!
congrats on finishing the race too! thats straight up discipline right there!
congrats on your 2nd blogaversary!
I wish that MJ danceoff was online for us to watch. I am sure it was fun!
Wow! 13 pounds!! I can't seem to lose three. You represented beautifully!!
@ Enkay, how goes it? Long time! Hope life is treating you well.
@ Doll, yes oh! I will now allow you guys to rest oh.
@ Vera, it was basically no rice, bread, or potatoes/yam. It's hard to keep up but the results show. Ah, my brain doesn't want any replacements :(
@ Bumight, LOL! Your day will come oh and then we shall see how you feel afterwards.
@ Sollydelle, thank you oh! It was grown professionals who had the moves oh!
@ Bob-ij, don't make me laugh! Wassup?
hey another post in your honor
@ Incoherent, ?????
you looked divine
and i must echo it cos its true-to get the old guy out-get a new one
Oh goody,
number "9186", shay?
Now I can find out who you, this hot babe in pink, really are...and then 'accidentally' bump into you on the train and start a conversation from there...who knows. lol
Good one for a good cause. Proud of you woman. Pity we cant get a pix of U with d bunny ears. lol. That will be classic. Hefner may just pay a huge sum. *snicker*
Why you wanna throw the guy out...he's disturbing you?
Dont worry, wait till I bump into you on the train-you may just forget him.