A friend thinks I'm crazy because I have an unrelenting sense of slightly exaggerated hysteria concerning the new year.
I know it is my year.
I know it because I want it to be.
Late last year I did a little soul searching and realised that I didn't like the way I was living my life. It wasn't anything dire, it's just that I was a bit too passive. I was letting things roll and just coasting. I have goals and I have desires but I step back because maybe I feel I shouldn't want so much.
Well that ship has sailed.
I have decided that I can have as many goals as possible and in His infinite mercy, if God answers my prayers and gives me strength, wisdom, grace and understanding I will achieve them.
For someone who doesn't 'do' resolutions I now have one big resolution in my head..to change the way I think. That includes not being so passive, not being such a people pleaser and (this phrase I learnt from GNG) to stop taking Panadol for other people's headache.
So on December 31 2010 I will come back to this post and see how many goals on my power list I have achieved.
Happy New Year everyone.
1. Driving License
2. Stable and healthy weight loss
3. Bigger projects at work
4. To find a single, emotionally available man, who shares the same cultural values, beliefs and value systems as I do.
First!!! LMAO!!
Just to say apologies for my squashed up post. My paragraph breaks aren't showing. Any ideas anyone?
Happy New Year to you too dearie and I pray ALL the items on the Power List get ticked off, Amen.
For your paragraphs, did you copy and paste from MSWord?
good luck.....
Happy New yr!
And taynement says Ameeeen to the emotionally available men part! Yes we can!
Happy new yeaR
happy new yr..may your dreams come true
Lol..amen to that..lol
Happy New Year dear and goodluck in getting your Power List done.
Raising a glass to your Power List.....
Goodluck with the last one. Heard they are scarce around these parts!
First on your own blog?? lol
You and me both as far as feeling that this year will be a good one. Ah well we'll see. hope you get to do all you plan to this year.
@ Myne, Amen x 10. PS I didn't copy from MS word, I typed straight to blogger.
@DannyB, thanks :)
@ Ms. O, thank you and the same to you too.
@Taynement, I feel the power!!! LOL!!
@ Andrea, Happy New Year to you too. May it be full of blessings.
@ Doll, thank you for your good wishes :)
@Sassy Trends, Indeed!!!
@Shorty, Happy New Year too :)
@ Sirius, cheers !!!
@ Wifey, God dey shah!
@ Nice Anon, I can be first jo! 2010 is going to be fabulous :)
happy new year dear..i hope you do make this year yours.
Amen to all your dreams babes!!!
Err.. Did you actually wish for more work???
Looks like someone's taking the 2010 bull by its horns...LOL
All the bestest of the best !!!
Goodluck hun.
All the best achieving the goals you've set for yourself.
hope it happens for you.
Happy new year to you too!
Yes o! I'm one of those people who just keeps adding goal upon goal to my list and the amazing thing is that I accomplish them most of the time without even realizing it!
You'll do just fine!
It's good to have a list. I have a list daily. It is quite OCD of me though.
"I have decided that I can have as many goals as possible and in His infinite mercy, if God answers my prayers and gives me strength, wisdom, grace and understanding I will achieve them."
God will surely answer your prayers by giving you what is best for you.
May you achieve all that you dream of, exceed more than is in your powerlist, and experience contentment and fulfilment this 2010.
You're welcome (response to your comment on my blog)
@ Leggy, big hug!
@SK, thank you oh!
@Roc, yes I did. I know it's nuts but I need to move on up!
@SHE, I am and I will x
@Mizchif, thank you very much. I wish you the same as well.
@Suru, Amen! Hi 5 for Jesus! LOL!
@Enkay, I like the way you think. Have a great 2010.
@Lucidlilith, I love lists in my everyday life. At home and at work. You aren't a Virgo by any chance are you?
@ Rita, thank you so much.
May you all have a blessed and rewarding 2010!!!
All the best to you with your power list. The part of your entry that jumped out at me is I know it is my year. I know it because I want it to be.
I have declared the last couple of years as my year, but then sat around waiting for the year to happen to me, instead of grabbing the year and making things happen. And now January is gone! I'm trying not to panic :)