How is everyone doing? I miss you all like I miss white bread and saturated fats. I haven't been writing on my beautiful blog. My apologies! I promise fresh gist will be coming soon but till then a little laughter for the weekend xx

PS My birthday is next week and I came across this site that tells you what song was number one the day you were born. Mine is Tainted Love (hmphhh), why couldn't I have The Bangles or Madonna or something? :) Check it out and tell me what was yours. xxxx

A married couple in their early 60's were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant. Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table. She said, 'For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish.'

The wife answered, 'Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband.' The fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! - two tickets for the Queen MaryII appeared in her hands.

The husband thought for a moment: 'Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like this will never come again.. I'm sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me.'

The wife, and the fairy, were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish. So the fairy waved her magic wand and poof!..the husband became 92 yearsold.

The moral of this story: Men who are ungrateful bastards should remember.....fairies are female.
20 Responses
  1. Blogoratti Says:

    Happy Birthday in advance!!
    And as for that joke, err no comment :D

  2. Muse Says:

    Na wa for dat man oh...he shoulda known...two women against one man...damn!

    Happy birthday in advance love!

  3. ~Sirius~ Says:

    Lol. Read the joke before. It still cracks me up.

    Happy birthday Lav.

    Don't know the song for my birthday......hissss

  4. Lol. Happy birthday girl!

  5. Tega Says:

    gaSirius you coulda just checked yea....

    anyway..I DID!...and mine's...Wham! - "I'm Your Man"

    I had to google and yea my birthday song is COOL!...i shoulda being

    happy Birthday in advance ma'am. Many blessings

  6. SHE Says:

    Lol. Selfish Man.

    Checking the site now.

    Don't stay away for too long.

  7. LucidLilith Says:

    dammnnn...this story is sooo funny.

  8. LucidLilith Says:

    And...happy buffday in advance!

  9. CaramelD Says:

    @Blogoratti, thank you!

    @ Muse, well he got what he deserves, init? Thank you :)

    @Sirius, did you check it? Check no? I'll soon check your own for you myself!

    @Suzanne, I am still in pain oh! It is not vanishing like you promised! Ps Thank you :)

    @Tega, thank you oh! you're right your song is totally cool and iconic. Jealous!

    @SHE, I will be back quicker than you can say 'crazy Igbo girl'!

    @Lucidlilith, Thank you sweets, hope you are cool.

  10. Lool @ the joke, yay to female comradeship!

    Happy birthday in advance dear!

    Checked mine and I love it - Billy Ocean - When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

  11. Sugarking Says:

    Jesus!!! That's a serious joke right there o!! Happy Birthday o jare! You too much!!!

  12. Azuka Says:

    The fairy and wife misunderstood. He wanted his wife 30 years younger. Poor guy...

  13. Freaksho Says:

    The number one song the day I was born according to your website? Can you guess? No? That's because they said it was friggin' Sunday Girl'! what nonsense is that?

  14. FabXchange Says:

    LOL..that was a funny joke...tee hee!

    happy birthday in advance

  15. CaramelD Says:

    @ Young Grumbler, you're song is totally cool! Again I'm jealous!

    @Sugarking, thank you x!!

    @Azuka, you know I don't agree with you right? :)

    @Freaksho, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I can feel your indignation from way over here.

    @WASParty, thank you very much.

  16. Rita Says:

    Happy Birthday in advance. What day is it exactly?

    The joke is just cracking me up and making my day...

    Let me go check my song...

  17. CaramelD Says:

    @ Rita, it was yesterday on Tuesday :) So what was your birthday song?

  18. LusciousRon Says:

    Happy Birthday in advance or arrears! LOL at the guy.

  19. Nice Anon Says:

    Happy belated birthday nne. Hope you had a swell day!

  20. Nutty J. Says:

    Happy Belated Birthday....

    Hope ur fairy god mother gave you a nice gift.