They came, they ate, they left.
I came back from church and jumped into the kitchen with my Mother. We would cook, then rest! Then cook, then go back and sit down, haba! They came in bits and soon my small house was full. I invited my friend's brother for the lunch and the poor guy was surrounded by my female cousins and their kids talking about growing old gracelessly.
I carried babies and stopped little ones from putting chocolate hand prints on the wall.
I was saved from madness by remembering that Christ conquered death for me. Easter gives me hope!
They went for seconds and thirds and desert. No one offered to help wash up (JESUS LOVES ME).
Mum tried to put green beans on my plate....I'm on a diet but there is no need to be needlessly cruel!!
My stupidity aside, it was nice having family around. Especially the little ones who wanted to dance to Michael Jackson! Sliding down the stairs on their bums nearly induced a heart attack!! Where is my camera when you need it???
Down side...sink is blocked and refuses to see the light and behave. To my Mum's horror we may have to call a plumber.
Called home and America, some people’s phones were switched off! Tut tut, where is your Easter joy Night Owl?
I needed this break, ready to face the world!
Freaky Bridesmaid Diet/Week 1 = 2kg or 4.4lbs Whoooooo hooo! I stood firm in the face of sooooooo much bloody cake and chocolates.
Appendix (Menu)
· Roast turkey
· Roast chicken
· Roast potato
· Mashed potato
· Yam po
· Rice
· Fish fingers (for the kids but the adults chopped them oh!)
· Pumpkin and carrots and green beans
· Gravy
· Hot fudge cake and Victoria Sandwich cake
All sprinkled with the awesome fact that Christ thought we were worth the ultimate sacrifice
I came back from church and jumped into the kitchen with my Mother. We would cook, then rest! Then cook, then go back and sit down, haba! They came in bits and soon my small house was full. I invited my friend's brother for the lunch and the poor guy was surrounded by my female cousins and their kids talking about growing old gracelessly.
I carried babies and stopped little ones from putting chocolate hand prints on the wall.
I was saved from madness by remembering that Christ conquered death for me. Easter gives me hope!
They went for seconds and thirds and desert. No one offered to help wash up (JESUS LOVES ME).
Mum tried to put green beans on my plate....I'm on a diet but there is no need to be needlessly cruel!!
My stupidity aside, it was nice having family around. Especially the little ones who wanted to dance to Michael Jackson! Sliding down the stairs on their bums nearly induced a heart attack!! Where is my camera when you need it???
Down side...sink is blocked and refuses to see the light and behave. To my Mum's horror we may have to call a plumber.
Called home and America, some people’s phones were switched off! Tut tut, where is your Easter joy Night Owl?
I needed this break, ready to face the world!
Freaky Bridesmaid Diet/Week 1 = 2kg or 4.4lbs Whoooooo hooo! I stood firm in the face of sooooooo much bloody cake and chocolates.
Appendix (Menu)
· Roast turkey
· Roast chicken
· Roast potato
· Mashed potato
· Yam po
· Rice
· Fish fingers (for the kids but the adults chopped them oh!)
· Pumpkin and carrots and green beans
· Gravy
· Hot fudge cake and Victoria Sandwich cake
All sprinkled with the awesome fact that Christ thought we were worth the ultimate sacrifice
PS Did anyone see any Jesus film whatsoever? I didn't see any here oh! :(
Awww....I wish I love having family and kids around for holidays. I called home and there they were all together and happy. :( Easter was nice for me though hung out with friends and my "frienfamily"... Nope no Jesus movies here!
Wow you had major fun during Easter. there is nothing more precious than celebrating with family and friends
i didn't see any Jesus movie either :(
Have a lovely week
How nice of your family to host so many others... very like Christ.
Congrats on your ability to stay away from ur tempters.
no Jesus film, sadly. the new tv seems to be too high tech to pick up local channels. lmao, you know, your blog is beginning to read like Bridget Jones Diary 3: Defiance!
Looks like you had a pretyy fufilling Easter weekend - less the Jesus film I guess.. Too bad we can't share some e-chocolates or roast turkey!!!
Well, Jesus loves you and you had to give it to the kids to avoid heart attack.
Saw a Jesus film halfway
Its so lovely to have family around for holidays....
Bob-Ij, Framilies rock! They are the family units of the urbanites :)
BSNC, Where oh where are the Jesus movies? Happy Birthday again!
Fanny, I won't lie it was my Mother's idea. She loves stuff like that. As for temptation, the battle has just begun.
Freaksho, are you trying to tell me that you don't have NTA 2 Channel 5, your reach out station?? Hmmm! Serious. I was in giggles for ages over 'Bridget Jones 3: Defiance'.
DannyB!, Let's do a trade. You bring me back suya from Naija and I will give you hot fudge chocolate cake.
Emeka! You are the only one who so far who saw a hint of a Jesus film! Which one did you see? The Passion? Jesus of Nazereth?
My World! You are right,even though I grouch it is a blessing to have family.
Your resolve is enviable. In the face of all that temptation I will gladly fall.
I saw a Jesus of Nazareth film!!!
On the street, in lag. Lots of people were crowded round the TV, which was for sale by the way, and what is more, the actors were white, but the voice was in Yoruba!!!
looks like y'all had a nice easter...
Nothing like having kids running all over the place-and then you get to smack them silly....hehe,i kid,i kid*
Looks like you had great fun,nice!
Have a successful week!!
Very active day it must have been.
Not sure I would have survived all those humans at once.
Week 1: 2kg?!
I wish that was me!!!!!
I can see you are succeeding with that diet. Great!
Aren't our families such a blessing? Sometimes you wish you could smack some of them upside the head but you love them all the same!
Glad you had fun!
oh wow..that was the total opposite of my easter..damn..
glad u had fun tho..lol @ ur mum..kai..
but u had to clean up alone??? soweeeeee!
yay for ur diet progress!!!! :D
i loved this bit - "All sprinkled with the awesome fact that Christ thought we were worth the ultimate sacrifice"
Hmm.. look like you really had fun on Easter.Nice one..
Week1 = 2kg.. That's cool.. Can u share with me your diet prog?
I love feeding the fam during holidays. Or being fed myself. And reading that made me hungry...
Sounds like you had fun!!!!!!!!
stay blessed
The diet's working then..
Amazing sturves..
I need to groomsman diet..
Hard abs in a week..
Any hints?
They showed passion of christ in england over easter...
Lol @ micheal jackson dancing
Did u loose 2kg in a week? Well done if u did!
Speaking of diets, I gave up chocolates, sweets, sugar, simple carbs for easter and didn't loose a pound but after easter I went on a diet, basically cutting out pretty much the same things but adding freshly made juice to what I consume and I've lost 1.5kg in a week...I have no idea why the weight didn't shift for lent...I mean I was on it for about 6 weeks...guess it God letting me know that what I gave up for lent wasn't shedding the pounds :-)
I didn't have fun in the traditional sense of the word!!!