1. The singular most happiest time in my life was when I was chosen with other British students to go to Rome as part of the Catholic University students delegation. We were there as part of a conference in preparation for World Youth Day and also to celebrate the commissioned Icon of The Madonna and Child that toured universities across Europe. Part of that celebration was mass in St Peter's and I was part of the choir singing for John Paul II. Anytime I'm really low I remember that trip and feel better!
2. As my second job during uni I did background casting. That is the extras in the shop, church, train wherever the scene is being shot. So we did an American Express advert with Kate Winslet and she was very cool and chatted with everyone. It was freeeeeeeeeezing that day but we kept our spirits up! She is one of the best British actresses out there.
3. I am meant to have an operation this year but I have cancelled it because I can't reconcile going under on an operating table for my teeth. So if you picked three you were very right! Clap for Temite, Sirus, Touched by an Angel and Saved Girl and my cousin who 'guessed' hmm LOL!
4. My poor Mum was in agongy after her first trimester, in Enugu they told her it was appendicitis but fibrods were slowly strangling my food supply. Luckily she got a second opinion and she flew to England for medical intervention. She carried me to 37 weeks by the grace of God but fibrods never let her have a successful pregnancy again.
I spoke to my Dad about that lady and the emails and his only beef was that she gave the guy my details without telling him (my Dad) first. See! I told you he was in there somewhere!!! I told him specifically to tell the lady for me to back off and don't try anything again.
Do you know what he did?
He called me the next day and without any warning passed the phone to her!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Men!!! There now followed an awkward conversation where the woman just wound me up more and I quickly got the point of thanks but no thanks I don't like hook ups where you run with your mouth and you have dodgy friends! She now told me to keep praying (I wanted to tell her where she could shove her prayer but I bit my toungue, God helped).